Let's paint!

The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy

Welcome to the Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy, the place to learn how to paint your favourite miniatures with regular, in-depth and highly detailed tutorials, painting challenges, courses, give-aways and best of all, a thriving community of amazing Academy Members!


This Week's Tutorials

54th Blizzard Assault Regiment

Our first tutorial of the week gets down to the basics with a Death Korps Guardsman, the backbone of the Imperium military and the first line of defence for humanity. These stalwart soldiers can be found on the frontlines of countless warzones and are more than eager to lay down their lives for the Imperium of Man. For this video we thought we would make a cool Krieg colour scheme and settled on the idea of a blizzard snow scheme and went from there, including making a narrative for a regiment.

n this video, we show you how to paint a Death Korps of Krieg Guardsman in a snow camo pattern colour scheme by focusing on the following: 
  • How to take inspiration from an idea and turn it into a colour scheme. 
  • How to make a selection of colours to bring that theme to life. 
  • How to paint a heavy white trench coat.   
  • How to paint the helmet white but add extra detail to make it appear as a different material. 
We hope this inspires you to make your own unit and colour schemes but can also be used to paint any Imperial Guardsman, World War troops or even Imperial snow troopers from the Star Wars franchises in your collection.

Lord Marshal Varnan Dreir

Our second tutorial of the week looks into the opposite end of the chain of command within the Death Korps ranks and dives into the Lord Marshall Varnan Dreir, a ferocious general with almost as much grit as any Space Marine Commander. Known for leading his men directly into battle astride his mighty warhorse bred to thrive in any warzone no matter the climate or terrain. What had to be considered when approaching the Lord Marshall is that this is a very detail-rich model with strongly contrasting light and dark areas so we show you an ideal way to approach them so as to make the process easy. 

In this video, we show you how to paint Lord Marshal Varnan Dreir in the  iconic blue-grey coat of the Death Korps. by focusing on the following: 
  • Where to start when painting a detail-rich model such as this. 
  • Focussed tuition on how to paint the creepy mutant steed including the various tones of its body. 
  • How to work your way through the complex layers of the miniature in an efficient manner. 
  • A great method of painting the iconic Death Korps colour scheme. 
  • What order to highlight the features of the model to make the process easy. 

This miniature is absolutely awesome and is packed with some great detail that really epitomises the Death Korps aesthetic, and many of the techniques shown in the video can also be used to paint any Death Riders in your collection.

What is the Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy?

The Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy, or DRPA for short, is a Membership site where you can come and learn to paint your favourite miniatures. Whether you are a beginner or even an experienced miniature painter, the Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy will teach you all the techniques you need to know and give you the confidence to paint any miniature you desire.

Want to know which miniatures we’ve made tutorials for? Then just click the link below!

enjoy these sample tutorials

This is just a small taster of the video tutorials we have on the site. We will be adding new, exclusive content every week that can only be found right here for our members. We will be covering all manner of miniatures, techniques and advice, everything to help you improve your painting skills. Check out the full list of videos and a gallery of the tutorials on the site by clicking the link below.

Tutorial of the Month!

Rakshasa Ravanar

Our tutorial of the week is a true centrepiece for any army of the Sorcerer Kings from Para Bellum Games and a grand spectacle on the tabletop, the formidable Rakshasa Ravanar! These minor deities are as splendid to behold as they are bloodthirsty, bound in service since the destruction of the mysterious elemental domains. The thing to consider when approaching this miniature is that whilst the furry head has some texture sculpted into it, the rest of the body is smooth and as such we have to approach it in such a way as to paint furry texture upon it.

In this video, we show you how to paint the Rakshasa Ravanar in the box art colour scheme by focusing on the following: 
  • A look at the sub-assemblies that we recommend.
  • How to paint the illusion of textured fur on a smooth surface.
  • Detail on how to paint the tiger’s face and in particular the eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • How to paint all of the armour and fabric.
  • A great way to paint the flames exploding from its back

The illusion of fur can be transferred to many other miniatures especially large monsters and any miniature that has a fur element in your collection.

Check out the gallery below for a sample of our 380+ Tutorials


Paint Sister of battle


Whether you want to paint a single figure, a vehicle, a monster or even a piece of scenery and not to mention new techniques, you will find an in-depth tutorial here just for you.

Lannisters Swordsmen


Every week we will be adding brand new content for Members only. Whether it's video painting tutorials, blog posts and online painting guides, you can be sure you'll always have something to both help and inspire you.

Duncan Rhodes drpa


With over 10 years experience, running painting seminars all around the world and hundreds of video tutorials under his belt, there is no one better to both teach and give you the confidence to achieve the results you've always dreamed of.


That's about the same price as a really nice cup of coffee. Not too bad for expertly produced painting tutorials and tons of inspiration.


Every month we host a fun painting challenge on our Forum where Academy Members can show off their amazing work and get both inspired and motivated by an amazing community of hobbyists. The winners get an exclusive DRPA Pin badge and an hour online hang out with Duncan where they can ask any questions they want or just simply hang out and paint.


The latest addition to the Academy is Courses! Here we host full, in-depth courses that will, over time, cover various, large subjects starting with a full course for beginners - The Fundamentals of Miniature Painting.


Every month we have a give away for a lucky Academy Member. Prizes in the past have ranged from an amazing core sets like Leviathan to an Airbrush from Harder and Steenbeck.

Here's what our Members have to say


Small Studio Shoutout_01

There are many fantastic, small, independent miniature and games studios out there and we believe in helping each other out wherever we can. If you feel like checking out something a bit different, then please feel free to give these guys a look-see. You may just be surprised at what you can discover…


Dunc & Rog